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Forrest Gump Trivia Quiz

Forrest Gump is a feeble-minded harmless man with a noble and open heart. He tells the story of his extraordinary life. He becomes a billionaire, but remains as ingenuous, stupid and kind. Forrest is waiting for constant success in everything, and he loves the girl with whom he was friends in childhood. Let's see how well you remember these adventures - welcome to Forrest Gump Trivia Quiz!

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Welcome to Forrest Gump Trivia Quiz

Do you know that...

All the important events that Forrest is involved in happened in reality. Realism was the main reason why Tom Hanks agreed to the role.

What is "Forrest Gump Trivia Quiz"?

  1. We will ask you 20 questions about Forrest Gump.
  2. There are many possible answers, you must choose only one.
  3. Answer all questions and you will find out how well you know Forrest Gump.