What Percentage Bonnie Bennett Are You Based On Questions About Witches?
Are you a fan of "The Vampire Diaries"? You know, that show with the brooding vampires and a witch named Bonnie Bennett? Well, guess what? You can now discover how much of a Bonnie you are. Answer some questions and see if you are fierce or still figuring out your spellbook. Click that Start button. Let's dive into this dark witch journey!

The Vampire Diaries is about two vampire brothers, Stefan and Damon and their human friends in Mystic Falls. Witches, werewolves, hybrids- all of them! Everyone is fighting for power and tangled in romance. It aired from 2009 to 2017 and somehow created a cult following. Who knew supernatural drama could be so addictive?

Sophie is a passionate storyteller who adores intricate characters and made-up settings. She creates quizzes that help people identify with the characters they like when she’s not engrossed in a good book or watching the newest series that is worth binge-watching. Every quiz is an opportunity to discover something new about yourself because Sophie has a remarkable talent for transforming commonplace situations into questions that feel significant and personal.