Spider-Man – Homecoming Quiz
Peter Parker returns home to live a normal life under the care of his Aunt May. But now Peter is looking after something else... Tony Stark saw Spider-Man in action and should become his mentor. When the new villain Vulture threatens to destroy everything Peter holds dear, it's time to show everyone what a real superhero is. Let's see how well you remember these adventures - welcome to Spider-Man - Homecoming Quiz!

Do you know that...
The school where Peter Parker is studying was founded in 1962. This is a reference to the first appearance of Spider-Man in comics, which occurred in 1962 in the August issue of the Amazing Fantasy series.
What is "Spider-Man - Homecoming Quiz"?
- We will ask you 10 questions about Spider-Man - Homecoming.
- There are many possible answers, you must choose only one.
- Answer all questions and you will find out how well you know Spider-Man - Homecoming.

Mia has an adventurous spirit and a love for exploring different fictional worlds. With a talent for creating relatable and engaging quizzes, Mia strives to make each quiz a fun journey into another universe. She’s always looking for ways to mix in a bit of self-reflection, making her quizzes popular with fans who love a little insight with their fun. Mia’s quizzes are her way of sharing her passion for storytelling and connecting people through shared interests.