Popular Movie Characters Quiz – Do you know them?
Do you know these Popular Movie Characters? We offer you to try your hand in our "Popular Movie Characters Quiz".
So what is the Popular Movie Characters Quiz?
- We will show you 10 characters of famous movies.
- There are three possible answers - names of characters, you must choose only one.
- If you're make mistake, don't worry! Wrong answered questions will be shown again at the end of quiz until the correct answer is received.
Interesting Facts about "Home Alone" movie.
- Macaulay Culkin's fee was only 100 thousand dollars. But do not worry about him, he came off at the shooting of a sequel, earned $8 million, and at that time not a single child had ever earned so much.
- In the scene with the spider, on the face of actor Daniel Stern a real tarantula. The actor had to portray a horror grimace and a scream without a sound at all, since a loud scream could scare the spider, and the consequences would be terrible. Shooting the scene went well, with the first take. And the sound was recorded later.
- Joe Pesci, who played the ridiculous thief, was always listed among the actors of action heroes and dramas before the filming of Home Alone. He had a scandalous character and constantly cursed. When one day Peshi again said "fuck" near young Macaulay Culkin, director Chris Columbus called the actor, asked him to watch his tongue, and advised him to speak "fridge" when the actor wanted to swear.
- In the photo that Kevin found in Buzz’s box, supposedly his girl. Actually, in the photo is a boy who was dressed up as a girl. Chris Columbus thought it was cruel to ridicule a real girl in this way.
- The film that Kevin watches on a VCR does not exist in nature. This piece was specially filmed for the film. It is called "Angels with stained souls".
- Once Peshi even accidentally injured a young actor. It happened during a rehearsal scene where the gangsters hang Kevin on a hook, and the gangster says: "I'm going to bite off all his fingers — one at a time". Then the actor really bit through Macaulay's finger to the blood. They say the scar remained for life.
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Sophie is a passionate storyteller who adores intricate characters and made-up settings. She creates quizzes that help people identify with the characters they like when she’s not engrossed in a good book or watching the newest series that is worth binge-watching. Every quiz is an opportunity to discover something new about yourself because Sophie has a remarkable talent for transforming commonplace situations into questions that feel significant and personal.