Lord of the Rings Quiz
The Lord of the Rings is one of the largest projects in the history of cinema. Its implementation took eight years. Let's remember this epic trilogy - welcome to The Lord of the Rings Quiz!
What is The Lord of the Rings Quiz?
- We ask you 20 questions about The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
- There are 4 possible answers, you must choose only one.
- Answer all questions and you will find out how well you know The Lord of the Rings movie.
Interesting facts about filming The Lord of the Rings
- The filming of the trilogy took place in New Zealand. In total, they brought the country $ 200 million. The country even created the position of Minister for Affairs of the "Lord of the Rings."
- The main soundtracks from which the troll roar was subsequently mounted are walrus and tiger roars, horse neighing.
- On the cake of Bilbo Beggins we can see 100 candles, and the cake itself was made of polystyrene. After the candles were lit, the design caught fire.
- The big trees in the film were made of rubber.

- The descendants of Tolkien did not want the film adaptation of the book, but since Tolkien sold the rights to the film adaptation in 1968, they could not interfere with the process of creating the film.
- Thirteen weeks. That is how much the film was in the top ten highest grossing films of the week based on box office results in the United States.
- In order for the Hobbiton to have a natural look, it was built a year before the start of filming.
- Many viewers noticed that throughout the council foliage fell in the background. It was not a computer special effect - half a dozen people scattered foliage. A large number of bags of foliage were collected for the shooting of this shot, but since the leaves turned black very quickly, it was decided to paint each sheet in one color.
- Ian Holm had to put a rubber doll with a scary face over his face to shoot a scene in which his character Bilbo looks at a ring in Rivendell.
- Does everyone remember the glowing floor in Moria's caves? So, in order for it to glow, it had to be painted with paint, which is used to apply road signs.
- To create a huge number of wigs, a large amount of real hair was specially imported to New Zealand.
- To record the squeal of orcs in the caves of Moria, the creators of the picture used the sounds that night opossums emit.
- A total of about 3,000 people worked on the film.
- The scene during which the fraternity tries to hide from the Uruk-hai across the river has not been filmed. The reason for this was a sudden flood, which completely destroyed all the decorations prepared for this scene.
- Every day on the set 1460 eggs were eaten, which were served to the film crew for breakfast.

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Sophie is a passionate storyteller who adores intricate characters and made-up settings. She creates quizzes that help people identify with the characters they like when she’s not engrossed in a good book or watching the newest series that is worth binge-watching. Every quiz is an opportunity to discover something new about yourself because Sophie has a remarkable talent for transforming commonplace situations into questions that feel significant and personal.