Avengers – Infinity War Quiz
As the Avengers and their allies continue to defend the world from a variety of dangers that a single superhero could not cope with, a new threat emerges from space: Thanos. The intergalactic tyrant pursues the goal of collecting all six Infinity Stones - artifacts of incredible power, with which you can change reality at will. Let's see how well you remember these adventures - welcome to Avengers - Infinity War Quiz!

Do you know that...
During the filming of the second part of the film, only cameras of the IMAX 2D series were used - previously this format was used only when creating documentary films.What is "Avengers - Infinity War Quiz"?
- We will ask you 15 questions about Avengers - Infinity War.
- There are many possible answers, you must choose only one.
- Answer all questions and you will find out how well you know Avengers - Infinity War.

Oliver is thoughtful, curious, and endlessly passionate about stories. He sees quizzes as a way to celebrate fandoms and connect people with characters that resonate with them. Known for his insightful questions, Oliver’s quizzes dig a little deeper, often inspiring people to reflect on what they value. Outside of quiz-making, Oliver loves analyzing scripts and storylines, and he never misses a chance to discuss character motivations over coffee.