Who Are You From “Vikings: Valhalla” Based On Your Food Preferences?
Welcome to Vikings: Valhalla quiz! Ready to discover which character matches your food choices? Food reveals so much about personality - your spice level preference, for example, might scream Harald or whisper Freydis. Are you a tough warrior like Ragnar or a classy one like Lagertha? Dive in and click Start!

Vikings: Valhalla takes place 100 years after original series. It shows famous Vikings on adventures, exploring new lands and fighting foes. Expect an epic tale of power, glory and revenge. Sounds exciting, right?

Ava is immersed with pop culture. She stays up to date on everything, from cult favorites to the newest blockbusters, and she enjoys applying her knowledge to her quizzes. She wants to make relevant and entertaining quizzes that inspire fans to consider the characteristics they have in common with their favorite characters. Ava is known to her friends as the one to turn to when they need TV recommendations and as someone who enjoys a good argument about narrative twists.