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Grey’s Anatomy – Season 3 Quiz

Season 3 mainly focused on Izzie's feelings about Danny's death and her decision to return to work. We also remember the marriage of O'Malley and Torres, Meredith's choice between Derek and her new friend Finn, and the choice of a new head of surgery. Let's see how well you remember these adventures - welcome to Grey's Anatomy - Season 3 Quiz!

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Welcome to Grey's Anatomy - Season 3 Quiz

Do you know that...

The actress who played Cristina Yang is a real surgical nurse in real life, so the role was given to a woman quite simply. During the filming of operations, the actress really knows how to behave and what to do.

What is "Grey's Anatomy - Season 3 Quiz"?

  1. We will ask you 25 questions about Season 3 of Grey's Anatomy.
  2. There are many possible answers, you must choose only one.
  3. Answer all questions and you will find out how well you know Season 3 of Grey's Anatomy.