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Supernatural Quotes Quiz

The series tells about the adventures of two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchesters. All their adventures are associated with mysticism, and the brothers, in search of adventure, travel in their Chevrolet Impala across their beloved America. The charismatic brothers produce a bunch of humorous and philosophical quotes. Let's see how well you remember these quotes - welcome to Supernatural Quotes Quiz!

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Welcome to Supernatural Quotes Quiz

Do you know that...

Dean Winchester's "Baby" came from his father and has been featured since the very first episode of the pilot season. When the series just started shooting, the Impala cost only $500, then their price rose sharply to $5000. In total, more than a dozen cars of this brand were involved in the filming. The release date of the car coincides with the date of birth of the creator of the series.

What is "Supernatural Quotes Quiz"?

  1. We will ask you 14 questions about Supernatural Quotes.
  2. There are many possible answers, you must choose only one.
  3. Answer all questions and you will find out how well you know Supernatural Quotes.

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