Who Are You From “Genshin Impact” Based On Your Food Preferences?
Welcome to quiz! Ready to see which character fits your food taste? Are you all about spicy adventures? Or do you stick to simple, classic dishes? Time to find out. Hit Start below and discover your Genshin Impact character!

Genshin Impact is open-world action-RPG in Teyvat. Players control Travellers on a quest to solve mysteries and bring balance back to their lost siblings. Combat mixes classic RPG style with elemental powers for every character. It's fun, it's chaotic and it's definitely not boring!

Ethan is a devoted entertainment enthusiast who is constantly searching for the upcoming blockbuster television show or film. Ethan is well-known for his humor and eccentric demeanor, and his quizzes offer a novel viewpoint to the fandom community. He enjoys adding personality and a little fun to each quiz, making each question seem like a friendly discussion. He is always up to date on pop culture, as his friends know, and his quizzes show that same excitement.