Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Quiz
The sixth part of the book and film about Harry Potter caused a lot of controversy and scandals. Let's see how well you remember these adventures - welcome to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Quiz!

Do you know that...
Emma Watson decided not to return to the film, but eventually decided that "the pros outweigh the cons" and couldn't see anyone else playing Hermione.
What is "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Quiz"?
- We will ask you 10 questions about Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
- There are many possible answers, you must choose only one.
- Answer all questions and you will find out how well you know Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Sophie is a passionate storyteller who adores intricate characters and made-up settings. She creates quizzes that help people identify with the characters they like when she’s not engrossed in a good book or watching the newest series that is worth binge-watching. Every quiz is an opportunity to discover something new about yourself because Sophie has a remarkable talent for transforming commonplace situations into questions that feel significant and personal.