Physical Laws Quiz – Complete the sentences
Physical Laws Quiz - check yourself! Only 22% of people who completed this quiz answered all the questions correctly.
So what is the Physical Laws Quiz?
- We will show you 5 fragments of sentences of the laws of physics.
- Complete the sentence, using one of three continuation options.
- If you're make mistake, don't worry! Wrong answered questions will be shown again at the end of quiz until the correct answer is received.
Interesting Facts about physics.
- Known to all Einstein was a Loser.
- To understand the nature of vision, Isaac Newton inserted a probe into his eye.
- The common shepherd whip is considered the first device that broke the sound barrier.
- The temperature on the surface of the Sun is 5 times lower than the temperature of the lightning.
- Two snowflakes with the same pattern does not exist.
- For his experiments, physicist Jean-Antoine Nollet used people as the material.
- To escape from a falling elevator, you need to take a “lying down” position, taking up the maximum floor area. So the force of impact is evenly distributed throughout the body.
- 100 years after the creation of the first radio-controlled ship by Nikola Tesla, similar toys appeared on the market.
- By connecting ordinary headphones to the microphone input, they can be used as a microphone.
- To get a look through the glass, which has a matte surface, it is necessary to stick a piece of transparent tape on it.
- In the freezer, hot water will freeze faster than cold water.
- About 3.500 Earth-type planets are open today.
- Glass is not considered a solid because it is liquid.
- About 6.000 times a minute lightning strikes the Earth.
- By adding sugar to the water, the egg will not sink into it.
- The speed of electric current is equal to the speed of light.
- The only substance freely found in the natural environment is water.
- Almost all oxygen in the atmosphere is of biogenic origin, but before the appearance of photosynthesizing bacteria, the atmosphere is considered to be oxygen-free.
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Mia has an adventurous spirit and a love for exploring different fictional worlds. With a talent for creating relatable and engaging quizzes, Mia strives to make each quiz a fun journey into another universe. She’s always looking for ways to mix in a bit of self-reflection, making her quizzes popular with fans who love a little insight with their fun. Mia’s quizzes are her way of sharing her passion for storytelling and connecting people through shared interests.